Problem of the Day
A new programming or logic puzzle every Mon-Fri

Fake Addition

Hopefully you've been loving Friday number puzzles. Here's a fun one I just came up with.

  • 752 + 303 = 216
  • 519 + 284 = 1836
  • 645 + 884 = ?

Enjoy your weekend!



  • janani - 9 years, 11 months ago

    The ans is 8020. 752+303=216 =>(7*3)+(5*0)=21(2*3)=216 519+284=1836 =>(5*2)+(1*8)=18(9*4)=>1836 645+884=8020 =>(6*8)+(4*8)=80(5*4)=>8020

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  • brix - 9 years, 10 months ago

    I believe the answer is 48322. One of the main things I noticed was that zeros get dropped in the final solutions, and basically you take each digit in the numbers, example 645 + 884, and you multiply them respectively. 6*8, 4*8, and 5*4. We then combine the products of these numbers like if we were spelling a word. Each product is a "letter", lets say and we drop the zeros.

    6*8 = 48, 4*8 = 32, so 4832 and 5*4 = 20, drop the zero, we get 48322.

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  • Jack Le - 9 years, 10 months ago

    I believe the answer is 22420. I rule i found was that we multiply the first digits together and write them down then we multiply the second and third ones then add them up and append to the left of the other result

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  • Jack Le - 9 years, 10 months ago

    Well some calculator punching error, it's supposed to be 8040

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